
shifting. gradually.

Four panels
H 116cm x W 204cm / 45 ¾ x 80 ¼”
Painting: Oil on Arches papier huile 300 g/m²
Fabric front: Hermès silk
Fabric back: Kokka Cotton
Spine: Katazome-shi

Everything interesting is beneath the surface, both for oceans as well as people. The act of looking within is a descent to the bottom, in order to feel the forces that silently guide our lives.

I grew up with the San Andreas Faultline under my feet and still vividly remember the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake like it was yesterday: God served divorce papers to irreconcilable tectonic partners.

When I meet new people and they discover that I am from California, often they assume that I know how to ride a surfboard, which invariably makes me smile. I never learned. I simply had no idea that later in life I would be painting a lot of waves.

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